- 2017-05-01
The first deliberate polling on amending the Constitution of Mongolia was carried out on April 29 and 30 in the State Palace, gathering 785 citizens, chosen by random selection representing all administrative units of the country. The public referendum, in accordance with the Law on Conducting First Referendum on Amending the Constitution of Mongolia, will take place after the public have the necessary information and proper understanding about the proposed draft amendment to the Constitution.
Briefing was given to participants on 13 issues under 6 topics, each of which had their own discussions.
The discussions clarified that it is impossible for Mongolia to shift from parliamentary system to presidential. Researchers said it is not viable to shift to presidential system with the currently effective laws and regulations. Discussions continued under topics of changing administrative units, renewing parliamentary functions without creating separate houses and many others.
Recommendations from the polling will be publicized in seven days.
Бусад мэдээ, мэдээлэл
- 2020-03-16